Welcome to SONICS (Seniors of Northridge In Christ Service)
SONICS is a ministry of Northridge Baptist Church for senior adults, although we welcome anyone who wishes to attend. We meet once a month, normally on the second Saturday, from 12:00 to 2:00pm. We usually have a “bring a dish to share” lunch. We have a short meeting for announcements and prayer requests and then share a meal and Christian fellowship. Occasionally, we will go to a local restaurant for a meal together.

More Activities!!!
Following the meal we may have some kind of activity or a presentation by an invited speaker. In the past we have had representatives from Fountain of Hope Church, Shepherds House, A Hope Center, SEND International, our church’s Cuba and Haiti Mission teams and others. When we have a speaker from a charitable organization, we usually take up a free-will offering.
Senior Adults
55 of Age & Older
2nd Saturday of Each Month
12:00 PM