Women's Ministry

Welcome to Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry is for any lady, 18 years of age or older.

Programs Offered

Sunday School: Sundays at 9:30 AM

We offer two classes just for Ladies. Check out the Sunday School page for more information on the classes that are available!

Women's Bible Study: Tuesdays at 1:00 PM
Resumes August 20th

Join us each week as we strengthen our relationships with the Lord and each other through the study of God’s word.

Secret Sister: All Year Long

We have a ministry for any lady who would love the opportunity to show love to another through the act of gifts, cards, and prayer. This is an anonymous ministry that we do each year. At our annual Christmas Party we will reveal who we had and draw names for the following year. It is a fun activity where we get the opportunity to spread love!


Annual Christmas Party: December

Come join us for a fun filled evening of food and fellowship!